Saturday, October 22, 2011

Miscellaneous Updates: Oatmeal and Pregnant Cats 10/22/2011

Just a quick update on a few miscellaneous items: First up, my oatmeal and boiled eggs weight loss diet. I started in earnest on August 26th, and still have a hot bowl of oatmeal and two boiled eggs every day for breakfast. Nope, not tired of it yet! I still prepare it the same way, with a little salt and a about two teaspoons of honey. The perfect blend of salty sweetness is elusive, but that is what I strive for everyday.

Some days, the oatmeal is more salty, and other days it is more sweet. I do not usually try to adjust the balance and just eat as is. I have considered some of your recipes and actually was ambitious enough one day to chop up some apple bits and put them in the bowl, Not bad but, God has given me a tolerance for the mundane so, eating the oatmeal with the salt & honey is satisfying. One of the side benefits of eating breakfast every morning has been an improved prayer life and settled routine of reading the bible each day.

My morning routine consists of arising at 6:00 a.m. (most days), hit the on button for the computer, walking to the fridge and grabbing a couple of eggs. Once in the kitchen, I turn on the coffee pot  (the night before, I set the coffee pot up so that all I have to do in the morning is turn it on-no timer on the coffee maker), and put water in the pan to boil the eggs. I then pour my oatmeal into a bowl. Ha ha my Aunt Shirley pointed out that I must have a big bowl if I am using a cup of oats. As it turns out, I am using just about a little less than a half cup. I just pour some into a small bowl without really measuring. Then I sprinkle on my salt and honey, again no measurement, just what looks right. I bet my brother Jay is surprised to hear that! The water is not potable, so I don't put the eggs in until the water has begun to boil. (I know, it does not matter, but it helps the timing of  my routine) I also put the water in the water pot to boil that for the oatmeal

(Just to let you know, any words you see in the color yellow are clickable links you my find useful.)

So, coffee on, oatmeal mix prepared, and water set to boil, I head back to the bedroom and pull up either Our Daily Bread (ODB), or Strength For The Journey (SFTJ) and settle in for a bit of spiritual nourishment. I usually start with ODB and first click the link for the scripture on which devotion is based on. I will pray for God's wisdom and understanding to come upon me through His word, and I also ask for Him to show me clearly how that day's scripture and devotion should be applied personally. I also ask Him to help me live out the words that I read-to be a reflection of Christ to my students and others that I will encounter that day. By the time I finish praying and reading, the water is boiling good and the coffee is done. I get the eggs in the boiling water, grab a cup of coffee, precisely measuring 1 small spoonful of coffee mate and 1 small spoonful of honey (that was for my brother Jay, ha ha) and head back to listen and read along with the ODB or SFTJ messages (sometimes both, depending on their length). That is just about right timing for the eggs to boil. I have discovered that taking them out and cracking them a bit and putting them back in the water while I finish preparing my oatmeal makes them very easy to peel.

Now, both physically and spiritually nourished, I prepare to head out to my classes. As for my other meals and dietary practices, I have been eating a lot of chicken and when I go to the canteen I try to get at least two veggie dishes. Occasionally, usually on Friday's, I allow myself a little junk food. And when I have my chocolate cravings, I eat some Cocoa Krispies with some milk. I have been exercising sporadically, mostly some good long bike rides, but plan to begin a more regimented routine at the start of December.

 What have been the results? At the start of my program, I weighed in at 108kgs or 238lbs!. Oh my! Today's weight 100kgs or 220lbs. Still too heavy,  but a nice loss of 18lbs. I am pleased with the progress. I should mention that I pray about this as well. Not only to be more healthy, but as a way to give honor and glory to God. Hopefully, for those who are also struggling with weight issues, this will be an encouragement to you as well.
September 4, 2011 @108kgs (238lbs

October 22,2011 @ 100kgs (220lbs)
Second up, the Mei Nv pregnancy update. Approximately 50 days have passed and apart from some weight gain, I can see no other visible signs of her being pregnant. . Ha ha, I could be wrong (I am really hoping I am not!) but I do not think she will have kittens. Her back wound is really no better, but I have some things that I am going to try to help keep her bandages more secure while also not sticking to the wound. I am hoping that I can keep the bandages ( changing them frequently of course) secure until her wound scabs over and then naturally falls off. I am thinking that the scabbing process is what is making that area so itchy and thus, the constant scratching.

Mei Nv Resting Comfortably 10/22/2011

Well, other than to say the semester is going pretty well there is not much more to report. I will have another church update this weekend. Pray for our church and the students who attend with me. Pray that the most important of all relationships will develop (the saving relationship with Jesus Christ) not only for my students, but also for those who are curious and come to the church searching for what is missing in their life. Just like the churches back home, not everyone sitting in the pew believes in Jesus, but they are there because Christ has drawn them there. Pray for your church and my church to be faithful to preach the word of God and the Good News (The Gospel ) (的福音) contained within God's word. Until the next time..

 God is good!  上帝是好!

Romans 8:28   羅 馬 書 8:28


  1. It is great to hear that there students that want to go to church. We will keep praying that they will continue and God will draw them to Himself. The sweet work of the Spirit is good to see and the answer to prayer in God's timing is also sweet.

  2. Thanks for the prayers Ken. It is good to see the sweet work of the spirit and God answering prayers!


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