Friday, April 20, 2012

From the Hotel Vanderbilt: Update

I received partial results from the Bronchoscopy today and they have ruled out TB and any fungal problems. This means that I am no longer on isolation status and can have my room door open. This makes me happy because with the door closed, I was getting very chilly. They are still waiting for results of the tissues they got from the biopsy-in this they will look for malignant cells. They are also growing some cultures from the procedure screen for  problems that may be associated with other infections.

Tomorrow I will have an Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. During this procedure they will look for obstructions of the common bile ducts, check out the gall bladder, the liver, and do some biopsies of the pancreas. They will be looking for the specific causes of the jaundice as well as the causes for the enlargement of the liver and pancreas, It looks like a couple more days of waiting and resting at the Hotel Vanderbilt.

On another positive note, the medicine they are giving me for the jaundice does seem to be working. I have also had several opportunities to share with the docs and the staff how I am just trusting God throughout this whole process, and how many people are praying for them as they work to uncover a specific diagnosis.

To that end, I ask you to continue to pray for wisdom for the medical teams, ask the Lord to guide and direct their hands, eyes and minds as they perform the various procedures and to give them the analytical skill needed as they study the various cultures and tissues  in search of diagnosis. Last, but not least, that His will, not mine be done, and in this process I can continue to model a Romans 8:28 attitude and that all honor and glory be given to God.

Well, that is it for now, and as I get more information, I will send out some more updates. As always, I thank you for your love, support, and most of all your prayers. Until the next time...

Romans 8:28

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